A Conversation with Justin Roberts and Hank Barbe
Hurricane season kicked off on June 1, and 2021 is projected to be another above-normal year. Last year, Hurricanes Laura and Delta decimated the Louisiana coastline. Lake Charles, Louisiana, was hit exceptionally hard, but in spite of the devastation and hardships, the community came together. Two veterans who were so inspired by the courage and kindness teamed up to make a documentary series that aims to give back to the organizations that helped the community recover.
In this episode, host Maiclaire Bolton Smith chats with Justin Roberts and Hank Barbe, the dynamic duo behind the project, about what they experienced, how the documentary series Do Good came to be, and how communities can prepare for the 2021 hurricane season ahead.
https://player.captivate.fm/episode/d98ad390-7891-424f-bc19-1967df134cfdMAICLAIRE BOLTON SMITH: Welcome back to Core Conversations, a CoreLogic Podcast. I am your host, Maiclaire Bolton Smith, and I’m the Senior Leader of Research and Content Strategy with CoreLogic. In this podcast we’ll have conversations with industry experts about key topics, from housing affordability, to the impacts of natural disasters on property.
June 1st was the official start to the Atlantic hurricane season. Looking back on the 2020 season, it was the most active on record with 30 named storms exhausting the list of names and going well into the Greek alphabet. So everyone is on high alert to see what 2021 will bring.
One of the most notable trends in the 2020 season was the overwhelming impact to the Louisiana Coast. Hurricane Laura devastated the southwest coast of Louisiana at the end of August and then just five weeks later hurricane Delta hit the same stretch of coastline decimating an already devastated region. Lake Charles, and surrounding area, was hit exceptionally hard.
The city’s 77,000 residents were left shocked and questioning where to turn, but in spite of this devastation and hardships something remarkable happened, the community came together. Neighbors helped neighbors, friends helped friends, and two men, Justin Roberts and Hank Barbe, both former Veterans, and a filmmaker and rockstar, respectively, were inspired by this courage and kindness. Together they dreamed up a way to share the stories of the community and create a method for people who didn’t have a lot to give to still help.
So for our episode today I’m honored and thrilled to welcome Justin and Hank from Echo Bravo Productions, to talk about how they helped do good. Justin and Hank, welcome to Core Conversations.
HANK BARBE: Thanks for having us.
JUSTIN ROBERTS: Thank you, ma’am.
MBS: All right, so to get us started today why don’t each of you tell our listeners a little bit about your background? So Justin, let’s start with you.
JR: I am a former Army chaplain and, but my second Master’s is actually in Media Arts Communication, so while I was in Afghanistan I put together a film called, “No Greater Love,” which was filmed on the front lines during combat.
MBS: Wow.
JR: And when I got back I decided to settle, I married a Cajun gal, so we decided to settle back in Louisiana and continued working in film and that’s kinda how I got here, but I happened to be friends with Hank. And so when the disaster hit we knew that we needed to turn the cameras on and start telling this story.
MBS: Wow, that’s amazing. So Hank, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself too?
HB: My name is Hank Barbe. I’m, I sing in a rock band called Three Beards, it’s a lot of fun.
MBS: Awesome.
HB: We’re getting ready to make a record so that’s cool. I was a medic in the Army, I was in the 82nd Airborne Division, one of the infantry units, the 325, and then I left there and went to flight school and I was a flight medic and had a mission in Time Magazine, “Anatomy of a Medevac.” Y’all can look it up it’s pretty neat, at least it’s neat to me, you know, ’cause like that’s Time Magazine. I met Justin actually at an inaugural event in Washington, D.C. in 2017-
MBS: Oh wow.
HB: And you know we kinda have the same background and so we kinda had some similar struggles, or at least we weren’t judgmental about each other’s struggles because we could relate to it and we saw it, we knew we were where they were coming from. So we started having this nine o’clock morning meeting every morning and after awhile we just, you know, we kinda started, we’d have these ideas, and then we would kind of force each other to make these ideas happen and it became this. And I think he was down visiting me in Texas when Laura hit and we were actually talking about doing this series and then, and then Mother Nature was like, well, you know, that’s a good idea, let’s start now.
JB: Well we, so we came up with the idea and then literally like with the name and all that, well, the wife helped out with the name, and, but we came up with a concept of how we wanted to help. And what we were talking about at the time was Veteran charities, how can we help them in the midst of COVID ’cause a lot of them are struggling to raise money. COVID has shut down so many nonprofits and bled them out financially because people can’t show up for in-person fundraising events and a lot of people-
MBS: Right.
JR: Have been financially impacted. But when we found out that Hurricane Laura was coming to my home we had to end our trip a little early and then scooch on down to Louisiana to pack up our stuff and get the family out of there and board up the house. But that’s, when I talked to Hank we both agreed that we needed to focus in on disaster relief first to help the community.
MBS: The two of you are incredible. Oh my goodness, I’m just, I’m so excited that our paths have crossed and that we can be here today talking about this. So before we dive in I wanna set the scene a little bit. So many of us have seen hurricane damage on TV, but few people have lived through not just one, but two hurricanes in such a short period of time. So can you talk a little bit about your experiences with Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta?
JR: Yeah, and I wanna tack on like a couple of other natural disasters. Like we had the, what was it called, it was the winter.
HB: The freeze, right?
JR: The freeze.
MBS: Oh, the winter freeze, yeah.
JR: Which got categorized as a disaster which Louisiana is not built for winter storms.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And so just like in Texas, we froze over, we were without water for a large period of time and then here recently we just were flooded I think about a week ago. We had two foot water in businesses and homes and 600 people were displaced.
HB: And people who have just gotten their houses back.
JR: Just fixed.
HB: For months and months, have to move out again because it’s not livable.
JR: It was the largest amount of rainfall in Lake Charles in the recorded, third top three.
HB: The third.
JR: Yeah.
HB: But this was a non-hurricane event too.
JR: Non-hurricane, yeah, right.
HB: And then a few weeks ago there was a massive little squall that popped up right in the Gulf off the coast of Southwest Louisiana
JR: And took out some shrimp boats. And there was like-
HB: There’s still a couple people they haven’t found I think.
JR: Yeah, there was about a dozen people who lost their lives- And these, so there’s a lot of these, we got hit by back-to-back hurricanes, but then there is, there has not yet been a period of time where we’ve really fully recovered because we keep getting hit by these natural disasters. And for those shrimpers that were hit, I know that the United Cajun Navy was trying to do the rescue operations, they were working out with the Coast Guard, I believe, you know, searching for those bodies, but they’re still, that’s an ongoing thing and then we got hit with this recent rain which displaced 600 people, flooded 600 homes.
MBS: Wow.
JR: So, going through all that, I mean like this is still, literally a week ago I was having to drive through floodwaters trying to get my kids out of their schools.
HB: Great video-
JR: Before they flooded over.
HB: On the Facebook page and on the internet there’s great video there.
JR: You would think that our kids were gonna be traumatized by that, but they were actually having a blast, it was just a great ole time.
MBS: Kids are resilient.
JR: They are, they are, this is like, my three-year-old son he’s like, this is the greatest thing, you know, he was just, you saw his eyes light up. And we had water like flooding into our floorboards and I was just praying the engine wasn’t gonna stop, and he’s just having a blast. But there hasn’t been a time to recover-
MBS: Yeah.
JR: From these disasters because it’s just ongoing and ongoing, but for us the, Hank was over there just shortly after, so he could speak to it just as much as I can. But for me, my home, the roof got wrecked, which flooded in water, so 75% of it’s gutted right now, still eight months later-
MBS: Wow.
JR: My office was destroyed, my car, we had a branch fall on it so it got destroyed. So it’s been just non-stop back-to-back. But luckily I had a good friend from Texas, Mr. Hank Barbe drive down, and we kinda had to put my life in kind of the recovery efforts for my own home on pause so that we could actually capture these moments because these moments pass by so quickly.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And so we immediately turned the cameras on and you know.
HB: I can tell you when I came up, and it is up, I had this argument with his father-in-law—
MBS: ‘Cause I instantly was gonna say down.
JR: Yes, yes.
HB: There’s actually, everybody thinks Austin, because I’m a musician, well, Austin is technically even with Lake Charles, San Antonio is south.
MBS: Okay.
HB: So up.
MBS: Okay.
HB: Anyway, so I remember when I came up there I was really not prepared for the damage that there was. And Justin was in Afghanistan, I was in Iraq, and I was in Iraq right after we did the shock and awe in Baghdad, and Baghdad was in a lot better shape than Lake Charles was. There were, I remember there’s a bunch of smaller cities around Lake Charles and one of ’em is Cameron Parish, and Cameron Parish was just decimated. Like streets that were lined with houses you couldn’t even see the foundations because-
MBS: Wow.
HB: The houses were gone and debris was covering anything that was concrete there.
MBS: Wow, yeah, you know, it’s so interesting because I think again, like people, people see this on TV and I think no one, unless you’ve lived through it, you don’t think of the extent of the damage and how long it takes to recover from that damage. I wanna circle back to something you said. Justin you mentioned the Cajun Navy, can you talk a little bit about what that is?
JR: Yeah, so there’s this nonprofit, the United Cajun Navy, they’re just assemblies of volunteers who mobilize for disaster events and so they responded to Hurricane Laura, Hurricane Delta, and most recently these, sudden storms that happened off the coast that just wrecked the shrimp boats and also I think knocked out a rig, so they were helping in the recovery efforts. And so it’s amazing volunteers who mobilize.
MBS: That’s, it’s so amazing. So I just commend both of you for not only surviving through this, but A, getting excited about having an opportunity to help other people and really thriving through this and making sure that you were doing all you could to help people.
Can you talk, you’ve mentioned a little bit about, “Do Good,” the documentary series and how you knew that you needed to do this, can you talk a little bit about how it came to be? You mentioned it just briefly, but how did it come to be and what does it mean to you?
JR: It’s, I think for us, like the idea of “Do Good” was how can we mobilize just the audience to tend to these oncoming events, these disasters that are happening, how can we bridge that gap that the news often doesn’t cover?
MBS: Yeah.
JR: The story dies down so quickly and what happened like with Hurricane Laura and Delta, you know, that was in the middle of a contentious election so there was-
MBS: Right.
JR: All of these, getting news on a natural disaster and the impact, was so difficult. So the objective is to tell the most powerful stories we come across-
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And both of us were soldiers. We saw heroes step up when traumatic events were happening, when lives were being lost, we saw heroes rise up and they always do. And so we knew that with these disasters heroes were gonna rise up again.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And the goal became to tell their stories to honor them and then to raise direct support for the people who are making an impact. So that was the conception, the idea behind “Do Good,” and what we tried to do with these disasters, which like we thought we came across so many heroes, so many incredible individuals who stepped up in a very desperate time. I mean like what a lot of people in America don’t know is that we were without water and power for over three weeks in the middle of a heat wave in Louisiana.
MBS: Oh my goodness.
JR: And so sweltering heat, mosquitoes, all of that kind of stuff, and you had both the rich and the poor just trying to find food-
HB: Yeah.
JR: Because it doesn’t matter, even if you’re a millionaire, they were in the food lines too because all of the food that they had went out and then once you clear out your pantries, you’re done.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And yeah.
HB: And speaking of the food, that was the one thing that I noticed was there was food on, just being given away all over the city. I think that, I think Sam’s Club, Walmart gave us, or didn’t give us, gave, when I say us-
MBS: Yeah.
HB: The greater Lake Charles, like $200,000 worth of meat and-
MBS: That’s unbelievable, wow.
HB: One of the coolest, or at least to me, the ones that stood out. We went to, you know there was a general surgeon out there just working with all the other people, you couldn’t tell who was who. The guy that was kinda running the whole deal he was a general manager for McDonald’s. And the first thing that they did was instead of hey, how can we open our store to start serving customers again, the first thing they did was they housed their employees and a lot of ’em in the house with the general manager, and when they went to work they went to work feeding the community. They didn’t have electricity, or they didn’t have ways to do whatever, but there were lines of people and they were just giving out sandwiches.
MBS: Yeah, see, this is what’s so important about what you guys have done. Like by making this documentary you’re bringing the life as it was to the screen so that people can see what actually happens and how people come together to help. Like the only thing you ever see on national media is here’s this bad storm, oh, the storms over, oh, look, it was bad, and that’s it-
JR: Yeah.
MBS: It goes away and there’s a new news story a day or two later. So, I love what you’ve done, how it just really brings to light because this is not unique. Like what happened in Lake Charles is happening in many communities around the country, and around the world, when disasters happened. And it happens all the time and no one talks about it and no one sees it happening. And I just love that you’re bringing light to, A, finding a way to help people, and get people to help each other when they want to help, but really just kind of showing people, it’s just amazing what you’ve done.
JR: That was a big thing that we noticed like here in this community. Lake Charles felt forgotten.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And everybody saw it, like we just weren’t making the headlines and that was like so traumatic, but that also started making us ask the question like, well, what other communities have been hit that we never even heard about?
MBS: Definitely.
JR: You know, and how often does this happen? It seems to me that in our news cycles right now, the media is going to talk about what is getting traction and attention. And so gossip, and division, and all these other things often are gonna hit the headlines because it sparks interest, it’s like a school yard fight. It gathers a crowd and everybody kinda circles around it. So, it’s the most viral conversations often get to the top, or the things that kind of spark that type of interest, but it’s often not the most critical conversations we need to have.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And so we have to more artfully construct these stories so where we can have these critical conversations.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And so we have to be better storytellers to get these stories to the forefront because if we don’t have these conversations then we suffer incredible consequences. The disasters in Lake Charles did not have to happen in the way they did. We can’t stop the storms, but we can better prepare for them. And so that is the conversation we need to have as a country to save lives, to mitigate damage, to mitigate loss. If we don’t have these conversations then we’re all going to be struggling and with the rise of frequency, and severity of these disasters, this is at the forefront of the conversations we need to have.
HB: Yeah, it’s hard to prepare when you don’t have time to recover.
MBS: 100%, yeah.
JR: And you don’t even know, I mean a lot of people don’t even know that this is a major issue and so their community it’s in the sight line. Like somewhere in Florida, somewhere along the coastline, up in New York City, they’re in the sight line for a disaster, but right now in the media, it’s not being talked about, it’s not a subject.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: It’s not something that’s at the forefront and so they’re not preparing for it because they’re not really conscious of it.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: Now, if we can get that to the forefront, then we can actually do something about it.
MBS: Absolutely, and you know at CoreLogic here, one of our tag phrases is, know your risk to help accelerate your recovery. And I love that you just said that because I wanna give a little bit of context on how our paths crossed, and how we became involved with “Do Good” at CoreLogic. So it’s a bit of a funny story because Justin, just by coincidence, happens to be friends with one of our colleagues here at CoreLogic and the two of them met when Justin was filming one of his previous documentaries about, of all things, a Baja motorcycle race.
JR: Yeah.
MBS: And so as Hurricane Laura came down our colleague, John Hodel, checked in with Justin just to see if he was okay and if his family was okay knowing where they lived, and knowing the path and then it really just, the rest is history.
Like I still remember the day that the email came in saying, do you guys wanna be a part of this documentary series and Rhea Turakhia who’s our Executive Producer at Core Conversations, she’s like, “We have to do this.” And we just got so excited about it and it really became, from our perspective, how we can help is with that data and analytics of natural hazards and natural catastrophes.
And we really, I mean there’s so many people from understanding the impact of climates and disasters, and the homes that people live in, like we have that data and we can use that data to do good, really. And for so many people in this industry, myself included, like the rewarding part about what we do is helping people. And for me it’s all about helping people understand the risks that natural hazards pose to them so that they can prepare.
It’s just what you said, Justin, that the event is inevitable, it’s going to happen, but the disaster doesn’t have to be, like we can help mitigate and prepare for something so it’s not as bad. So, once we got involved initially, there’s no one else we would’ve wanted involved other our Chief Scientist, Dr. Howard Botts, who is one of my favorite people on the planet and if anybody knows him he probably is theirs too.
HB: Before I forget, before I forget—
MBS: Yeah.
HB: You mentioned about the data and how you guys can predict damaged stuff, right, y’all ran one on my house and you said your house is pretty safe except for maybe your septic tank. And then bam, my septic tank went out, and I was like, we got spies. But I just had to bring that up. But yeah, Howard Botts is awesome. I think the last time I talked to him I was trying to convince him to get knuckle tattoos, I think that’s-
MBS: Oh my goodness.
HB: That’s a no go, but I tried.
MBS: Oh well, yeah no, it’s funny because I think most people think of disaster preparedness as hurricane coming, board up my windows, that’s how I can prepare, but there’s so much more that you can do than just like boarding your house and buying sandbags. Like, can you talk a little bit about how once you had, other than just your house, Hank, once you had data and insights about the knowledge and what that meant and how important it is really for preparedness?
HB: Well, for me, one of the things it did was it made me feel pretty secure. You know, I live in the Texas hill country. I’m about, I found out I was like 1600 feet away from the floodplain so I’m not worried about that.
MBS: 1600 feet, floods don’t go over top of barriers, don’t worry, yeah, I’d worry, I’d worry
HB: The thing is, I know what might happen, like going back to Lake Charles, you know that Lake Charles is prone to this type of event so these are the things that you need to prepare for, for that event. And having that data, and the historical evidence, and then the evidences like, Chappie keeps bringing up the frequency and intensity is going up.
What was, we asked, Dr. Botts told us like every year the amount of damage almost doubles, right, in dollar value.
MBS: Yep.
HB: And that’s crazy ’cause it was like 14, 12 billion, 12 to 14 billion, with a B, damage in Lake Charles.
MBS: Yeah, I’m so glad you mentioned that because there’s actually data from NOAA, which is the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, that has shown that over the past four decades we’ve seen a 70% to 90% increase every decade in total inflation-adjusted losses for weather events in the U.S., and this trend isn’t slowing down.
JR: What’s interesting to me and well, not just interesting, what’s worrisome to me is just the, the shift of all this, with these disasters.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: We’re on our fourth natural disaster in this area in less than nine months. And it’s not sustainable is the problem. It’s like not something that we can no longer weather.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: Just south us there’s this small town called Cameron, and Cameron is where my father-in-law is from, it’s where we would do our Thanksgiving, our Christmases. It was a small bayou-type town, on the marsh, and just amazing personality to it. And it’s been around here for, I think over, in America for over 150 years, 200 years.
MBS: Wow.
JR: And so the early Acadian settlers came down and they settled in Cameron along of course all along the Louisiana coastline and so it has an amazing history to it. So for over a couple hundred years they’ve been shrimping, they’ve made a life out there, farming, doing rice, hunting, so it has an incredible history to it.
But with these recent disasters, you know you had Katrina, then Rita, these back-to-back things that was, many years ago, but that was hit and hit, before that was Audrey. And so with each hurricane the population just decimated, moved away.
So it went from being a small suburban town to even smaller, to even smaller, and then here recently now you have a few trailers, they used to have the shrimping industry there, it’s barely holding on if that. They see the writing on the wall that it’s not sustainable. And they aren’t-
MBS: Yeah.
JR: So there’s no real community left there. And what was tragic was that my wife’s grandmother thought that she was going to be going back. You know they rescued her out of there before the storm hit and she assumed that of course she’s gonna go back, she was born there, she had her first kiss there, she raised her children there, all of her life and community was there. So, you know, she’s in her 80s, she assumed she’s gonna go back-
MBS: Wow.
JR: ‘Cause that’s where she wanted to finish her life. And there’s nobody to go back to, to take care of her. It’s no longer…so the death of an American community.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And how can we weather this? We have to figure out these solutions and the only way we can do that is with information.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: And having a conversation about it and then starting to plan. Because if we have, that’s just, you know, the first community that I know of along the Louisiana coastline.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: What’s the next one?
MBS: I’m sure there’s others, yeah.
JR: Yeah.
MBS: Yeah.
JR: If the severity is increasing, and the frequency is increasing, who’s next? Where’s next? And also Cameron is the third largest-
HB: Natural gas.
JR: Natural gas distributor.
MBS: Oh, wow.
JR: It provides-
HB: In the world.
JR: Vital shipping, I mean a vital shipping lane for us, it’s one of the largest deep-water ports in the Gulf, and it is a part of a shrimping industry. But yeah, I mean like it’s a vital food industry there as well.
MBS: Wow.
JR: And so that’s one community that actually has an incredible impact on America that is on the fringe, where is gonna be next? And as we lose these communities that are playing a vital role in our infrastructure, and our economy, it’s going to have an effect across the country. So it’s a conversation we need to have.
MBS: Absolutely, and I’m so glad you brought that up because I think many times, especially with hurricanes, as they’re heading towards the Gulf, or even the Atlantic Coast, you often hear, oh, there’s nothing there so it’s not a big risk. Like, it’s not like it’s barreling towards New Orleans, or to Houston, or towards Galveston, like when it’s not a major city in the direct path people think it’s okay it’s not gonna be that big of an impact.
But there is something there, whether it be an industry, like people often focus on the offshore oil platforms, but I’ve never heard anybody talk about the shrimping industry before and the impact that will have. Like there are businesses, there are communities, there are people there, and I love that you’re bringing light to something that’s not in a major metropolitan center because no one ever has these conversations, so it’s so important.
HB: I remember when Delta was coming we were still like trying to survive in Lake Charles, you know, trying to make sure that when that thing comes we can get the drainage and all this other stuff, and then when the news was talking about, and it was heading right at us, like it wasn’t coming to, it wasn’t just random Southwest Louisiana, it was coming right at us.
MBS: Yeah.
HB: And on the news when they talked about it their concern was about potential flooding in New Orleans because of it.
MBS: Yeah.
HB: And it’s like, we’re right here man, come on.
MBS: Yeah, exactly. So, I guess, as we move into the 2021 hurricane season, which is just started, what are your thoughts? Like it’s so, I mean there must be a lot of anxiety given everything you’ve been through, not just with the two hurricanes, but just the flood recently, and the winter storm. What do you think, is Lake Charles and even other communities, are they ready if another hurricane hits?
JR: No. Yeah.
MBS: Wow.
JR: It’s, there hasn’t been a massive overhaul in preparation.
MBS: Yeah.
HB: Part of it is that haven’t had the opportunity to do it.
JR: Yeah, we haven’t even, there was such a, so many homes where, 95% of homes were impacted.
MBS: Wow.
JR: So getting an influx of contractors, getting the insurance stuff worked out in a timely manner, all that stuff, it’s just a massive delay, it’s a massive bottleneck. And I think industry wide we’re gonna have to have a conversation about how to process these things in a more timely manner, but also how can we mobilize more contractors to get this stuff worked out sooner? And how can we start building in a different way if these storms are going to be hitting harder and faster, how can we have roofs that can survive, you know, this type of wind speed-
MBS: Right.
JR: And making sure that, our buildings, and our homes can withstand these storms in the future because it won’t be sustainable if we don’t.
HB: And I think it can be done. You know, when I was in the military, I did a lot of stuff, I was in the Marines even before I was in the Army, and I was in Okinawa and I brought this up with Dr. Botts. They had sea walls, right, and these sea walls kept the surge off, and their buildings were built to withstand these typhoon condition winds, and storms. And when I’m going to the rural parts of Louisiana, I’m not seeing those buildings that are gonna withstand storms. I’m seeing people who live in trailers.
MBS: Yeah.
HB: People who live in tow-behind trailers, you know, fifth wheels and stuff like that. Part of it is the poorer the region is the harder it is to prepare too.
MBS: Right yeah, it’s. One of my favorite words is resilience and that’s really what you’re getting to is how can we not only get through a disaster, but thrive through a disaster? It is inevitable, it is going to happen, the event is inevitable, it’s going to happen, how can we make it so that it’s not excruciatingly damaging? And then how can we get through and not just survive, but be stronger in the end? And what are those things that we can identify to really help to be resilient?
HB: I think it helps having a team of scientists, like CoreLogic does, to help figure out the problems.
MBS: Well, we’re here for you, I mean, you guys are family with us now. So I feel like I can talk to you both all day, but I do wanna make sure that we tell people how they can watch, how they can help. Hank, you also referred to the Facebook page at one point in time, so can you talk, and can you talk a little bit about, first of all, how can people watch, “Do Good?” How can people help “Do Good?” How can they contact you or find information about you guys? And then, what’s next?
JR: The best way for them to get in contact with us is to go to the Do Good Army on Facebook and like that page. And that immediately gets it to where they, they hear about the latest news, the latest videos that we have coming out, but also that’s where we’re trying to organize. We’re not trying raise a fan base, we’re trying to build an army that can activate to these disasters. And so that way they can find out about all of these different nonprofits, there’s multitude of nonprofits. This is how you can look at the buffet of options that you have to be able to make a difference and then jump in. And whether you like volunteer your time, able to donate, or just spread the word, you can make an impact by joining this Army.
So go over to Facebook and join the Do Good Army. Also to see our latest videos, go over to YouTube and look up, Do Good, you’ll see our ugly mugs up there.
HB: And make sure when you go to the YouTube channel that you like, share, and subscribe.
JR: And subscribe.
HB: Because one of the things that we’re doing is we have, we’ve teamed up with the United Way in Southwest Louisiana, and so all of the streams they, you know, YouTube pays their creators for streams, but the way we have it set up is each episode, whatever we’re featuring, wherever that episode is designated, the United Way is gonna pay that out to that charity, or that individual.
MBS: Amazing.
HB: So even if you don’t have any money to contribute just by watching and sharing it, you’re still contributing money, it’s awesome.
JR: And it just also raises awareness. These are the conversations we need to be having as a country and whenever one of our communities gets hit you have to go all for one and one for all. And so this helps us to raise awareness, raise direct support for the people who are making an impact and to also recognize the heroes who do stand up in the midst of these events. So that is the two ways they can get plugged in is just going to Facebook, Do Good Army, and go to YouTube and just look up, Do Good.
MBS: Justin, Hank, thank you so, so much, this has been so wonderful. Thank you for being a part of our podcast and thank you for joining me on Core Conversations, a CoreLogic Podcast.
HB: Well thanks.
JR: Thank you guys, and thank you to CoreLogic for your support in this and just being a powerful ally.
HB: And same, I’m grateful for our partnership with CoreLogic, but I did wanna mention that if you guys wanna get to know Justin a little bit better you can go to Amazon Prime and his movie, “No Greater Love” is out there on Amazon Prime and it kinda gives a good view of who Justin is.
MBS: Fantastic.
JR: And also if you wanna hear some amazing music, go to Three Beards on Facebook and check them out.
HB: Spotify, Pandora, everywhere.
JR: Spotify, Pandora, you’ll be rockin’.
MBS: Well, we need to be rockin’, so thank you both so much. So, for more information on the property market and the housing economy, please visit corelogic.com/insights.
Thanks for listening. I hope you’ve enjoyed our latest episode. Please remember to leave us a review and let us know your thoughts and subscribe wherever you get your podcast to be notified when new episodes are released and thanks to the team for helping bring this podcast to life. Producer Rhea Turakhia, editor and sound engineer, Romie Aromin, and social media guru, Mike Wojcik. Tune in next time for another Core Conversation.
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